

May 13, 2023

Hints From Heloise




Today's Sound Off is about a new fraud alert — fake loans.

Dear Heloise: Recently, my husband and I have been getting calls and emails from people who claim to represent loan companies. They claim we’ve been approved for loans that range from $1,500 to $5,000. The problem is that we didn't apply for a loan and don't need or want one.

After contacting my bank, I found out a "loan scam" has been making its rounds by contacting people through social media, texts, phone calls and, on occasion, letters. The scammers usually ask for an upfront fee to process your application. They promise you a guaranteed approval and ask for things such as your bank account password and numbers, Social Security information, and more. If you are contacted by these scammers, the bank recommends that you hang up immediately.

As sincere as these scammers may seem, they are trying to fool you into divulging private information so that they can empty your bank account. If, by chance, you gave out financial information to a scammer, contact your bank and let them know the situation. Believe me, they’ve heard it all before and know what to do to help you safeguard your finances.

If you are like most people out there today, you’ve probably worked hard for what you have. You have bills to pay and other financial obligations.

Don't let an anonymous thief steal what you’ve worked for over the years. — Renee K., Mesa, Arizona




P.O. Box 795001

San Antonio, TX 78279-5001

Fax: 1-210-HELOISE

Email: [email protected]



Having problems with neighbors, whether it be harassment, noise complaints, dogs barking, etc.?

Here are a few hints:

— Don't ignore the problem. See if you can contact your neighbor and politely discuss the problem.

— If the problem persists, contact your HOA and ask for their assistance in resolving the issue.

Remember, the rules are created to make sure that the entire community is safe and happy.

— Review your association's documents of their do's and don'ts.

— In extreme cases, your HOA may have their attorney file a lawsuit.

— Document all efforts to resolve the situation in case you have to file a lawsuit instead.


Dear Heloise: Never leave dryer lint out for birds to use when they’re nest-building.

Everything toxic that is in your clothes, such as detergent, bleach and fabric softener, are harmful to birds.

Yes, the lint looks fuzzy and soft, but over time, it gets wet and turns as hard as cement. Instead, destroy the lint. — Suzie, from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Suzie, after checking with a couple of veterinarians, I was told that lint from the dryer is indeed very harmful to birds, just as dryer sheets are harmful to birds.

You should also never put out string, yarn or pet hair. Pet hair can easily contain chemicals from various shampoos and flea treatments.

You can put out all-natural, heat-treated pine and aspen or paper pellets.

While we’re on the subject of birds, it's always nice to use sterilized seeds to feed birds. Sterilized seeds do not sprout new plants.

If you have an empty bird bath, you can place the seed in it, use an old saucer or coffee cup, or just sprinkle it on the ground. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: Here is a picture of my kitty named Mittens.

She's a natural cat model and loves to pose for pictures. — Lisa Weller, via email

Readers: To see Mittens and our other Pet Pals, go to and click on "Pet of the Week." — Heloise

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JUNE 3 PET PAL — MITTENS WATCH OUT FOR THE ‘LOAN SCAM’ SEND A GREAT HINT TO: HERE COME THE NEIGHBORS SAVE THE BIRDS JUNE 3 PET PAL ©2023 by King Features Syndicate Inc. Keep it Clean. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Don't Threaten. Be Truthful. Be Nice. Be Proactive. Share with Us. Success! Error! Signup today! HOME DELIVERY ONLINE ONLY